
Congratulations to this young girl in Senior Infants who recently won a medal and 2 trophies for her achievements in Irish Dancing at a Féis held in Garrison. Well done!


Well done to this young man from the junior classroom who recently won this medal for his achievements in hurling. Well done!

A pupil in our school has won a total of 5 medals in the past 2 weeks. She won 2 medals for boxing as part of a tournament which was held in the Beepark, Manorhamilton. She won 3 medals for Gaelic football. Two of these medals were won in Ballinamore and one in Manorhamilton. Congratulation’s & Well Done!!


A boy in our Senior Classroom brought medals and trophies to school recently. He won the medals for Gaelic football and the trophies were won for his achievements in the Irish Dancing. Well done!!!!




Well done to a child in our Junior room who made this lovely headband while attending Girls Brigade in Manorhamilton. Well Done!!!



A boy in our Senior room and his sister in the Junior room recently brought in their Swimming Certificates which they had received over the pas few years. These Certificates were achieved through swimming lessons in Ballyshannon Leisure Centre & lesson in Lough Melvin. Well Done to both of you!!!




Congratulation’s to these two sister’s who received these 2 trophies recently for Irish Dancing. Well Done to both of you!!















Well done to this boy in the Senior room who recently achieved these Certificate’s for his achievements in swimming


This boy in the Senior room took a trophy he got and some medals to show the other children. He achieved these for his efforts in swimming, hurling and football. Well Done!!

We carried out a ‘What club are you in?’ survey with the pupils in the senior classroom in the school to check what clubs the children are in. Below is a photo of the results of the survey showing how many pupils are a part of each of the clubs.